2024-2025 New Student-Athlete Biographical Form

In an effort to assist the Office of Athletic Communications in generating publicity for Wentworth student-athletes and teams, we ask that you fill this form out to the best of your ability. Many of these fields are required and the form will not be able to be submitted unless any errors have been corrected.  Student-athletes will not eligible to practice with their teams until all paperwork, including this form, is on file.

Please note that you will have to confirm your submission before submitting it and, if the submission is successful, you will receive an email to the address you provided.


Please enter in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY
You are a candidate for which sport(s)? *
Please select all sports you are trying out for at Wentworth

Name and Address

Example: Jim instead of James
Please provide a phonetic pronunciation of your first and last names
(please use all leader zeroes)
Building/room or off-campus address with city and state
This is NOT your Wentworth address
Please use this format: (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Please use this format: (XXX) XXX-XXXX


Please use the full name of your major, not the abbreviation
Please use the following format MM/DD/YYYY
Class Year *
If more than one sport, please separate positions by using a comma
Please use the following format X-XX (i.e. 5-10)
Men's teams only - enter a number only
if applicable
Baseball/Softball only
Ice hockey ONLY; please provide the full name of the team and the affiliated league

Transfer Information

Have you attended a two-year or four-year college on a a full-time basis prior to enrolling at Wentworth? *

If you answered "No" to the previous question, please skip this section; if you answered "yes," you are required to answer the questions below. Additionally, if you answered "yes" to being a transfer student, you will also need to contact Bill Gorman, Senior Associate Director of Athletics, with your date of birth, school(s) attended on a full-time basis, and which sports (if any) you played.

Did you earn a degree?
Years Played
if second sport
Years Played
if second school
Did you earn a degree?
Years Played
if second sport
Years Played

Hometown Newspaper Information


Please answer this section as accurately as you can. By providing correct newspaper names and email addresses of sports contacts at these newspapers, information on your athletic career will be sent to them. Please do NOT enter the phone and/or fax numbers.

if more than one, please separate emails with a comma
if more than one, please separate emails with a comma

Other Information

should include - but not be limited to - captain, all-conference, all-county, all-district, all-state, championships and academic honors, indicating year and sport
Have you read and understood all of the policies contained in the Student-Athlete Handbook as well as all other student-athlete policies? *
The handbook and policies can be found at http://www.wentworthathletics.com/current/index, under "Student-Athlete Policies"


By signing this form, you authorize the Wentworth Institute of Technology Office of Athletic Communications to release information about yourself, and your team, pertaining to athletic and academic awards to hometown, regional and national media outlets for the sole purpose of publicity.  You understand that disclosure of information regarding yourself will fall within the guidelines of the Family Educational Right to Privacy Act (FERPA). Furthermore, you authorize the use of your likeness (e.g., photographs) in whatever manner deemed necessary (e.g., website, publications) by the Office of Athletic Communications, Department of Athletics and Institute.

* required field